Training Young People on Sexually Related Online Risks & Threats
Start Date: 01/12/2022
End Date: 31/05/2024
Funding Programme: Erasmus+
Funding Agency: European Union
Training Young People on Sexually Related Online Risks & Threats (OnSafe) is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union coordinated by the Research & Innovation Center for Social and Educational Sciences (RISC) and in partnership with the organisation Digital Leadership Institute International (DLI) based in Belgium.
OnSafe focuses at equipping young people and teenagers with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to prevent being exposed to sexually related online risks and threats (sexting, sextortion, grooming/child sexual abuse material, revenge porn), through the development, piloting and implementation of a series of interactive workshops.
The project will aim to:
* Raise awareness about online risks and threats young people can encounter when using the internet, emphasizing on sexually related risks through the design, piloting and implementation of interactive workshops;
* Enhance the interaction of youth with social media through the advancement of their digital skills and competences in recognizing and responding to sexually related online threats and risks;
* Equip youth workers with the knowledge and a training tool “to empower learners to manage risks and use digital technologies safely and responsibly” (DigCompEdu, Area 6.4), as referenced in the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) of the EC;
* Facilitate the creation and innovative use of digital education content on aspects of sexually related online risks and threats;
* Raise awareness among young people, youth workers and other target groups of the current legislation on Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) and other sexually related cyber offences.